It has been often found that people joining the government funded projects on contractual basis are not really motivated to work for the project, for the simple reason that they use it as a stop-gap arrangement to prepare for competitive examinations like IAS etc / to go abroad for higher studies / to use it as a source of income till a job of their choice is found. There is no sense of ownership which can keep the employees engaged for productive output. Also, as the project closure date approaches, being on contractual appointment, the project employees stop taking interest in their work and get busy hunting for new job opportunities.
Keeping in view the above scenario, it is proposed that each project funded by the government, be operated as a micro-enterprise incubated virtually in the “Scientific Establishment” and after the project tenure is over, the contractual employees working in that particular project be allowed to take the project forward as a spin-off, with the “Scientific Establishment” having a stake in that. This will not only make the contractual employees work as a team for the whole project duration but also motivate them to put in their best efforts to successfully commercialize the technology developed in the project.
While the researchers (scientists, engineers, professors) working in the “Scientific Establishments” have been empowered to claim an equity stake in such “Scientific Enterprises” during the course of their professional engagement with their parent organizations, the same may be extended to the contractual staff employed in the projects. This concept of “Virtual Incubator” would provide a better focus to the work done in the projects.
Keeping in view the above scenario, it is proposed that each project funded by the government, be operated as a micro-enterprise incubated virtually in the “Scientific Establishment” and after the project tenure is over, the contractual employees working in that particular project be allowed to take the project forward as a spin-off, with the “Scientific Establishment” having a stake in that. This will not only make the contractual employees work as a team for the whole project duration but also motivate them to put in their best efforts to successfully commercialize the technology developed in the project.
While the researchers (scientists, engineers, professors) working in the “Scientific Establishments” have been empowered to claim an equity stake in such “Scientific Enterprises” during the course of their professional engagement with their parent organizations, the same may be extended to the contractual staff employed in the projects. This concept of “Virtual Incubator” would provide a better focus to the work done in the projects.